
COVID-19 Congestion Mapping

  • Developing an application for COVID-19 congestion mapping. Specifically working on time-series data to build a Machine Learning model for estimation of Ro infection parameter using SIR model.
Tools:Python, Jupyter Notebook, ML models, Flask, JavaScript, React-Native

Machine Learning for Prediction and Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Designed a system which can predict the risk of Heart Disease based on certain medical tests. Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Networks provided highest accuracy of 86% among various implemented machine learning algorithms.
Tools:Python, ML models, Neural Networks

Handwritten Digit Recognition

  • Performed recognition of handwritten digits on MNIST dataset. Implemented various Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods and achieved 99.70% accuracy with 3-layer CNN using TensorFlow
Tools: Python, Keras, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, CNN

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

  • Implemented an opinion mining to do sentiment analysis of any topic by parsing the tweets fetched from Twitter to classify each tweet as positive or negative using LSTM model with Scikit-learn and Keras.
Tools:Python, LSTM, Keras, Scikit-learn, Tweepy, TextBlob

Tour Company Application

  • Developed a multi-user web application for a fictional tour company that takes it customers on tours. Implemented various modern front-end and server-side web development techniques.
Tools:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, JSON, REST API